Our Program

At CTK, your child will be learning important school-readiness skills in our classrooms. Many of these skills are academic in nature, such as simple addition and beginning and ending sounds of words. Equally important are social skills like sharing, conversation and following directions. Along the way, we will also practice gross and fine motor skills such as kicking/throwing a ball, using scissors, and handwriting.
Our students will explore their classrooms in depth each day during Center Time. They will rotate around the classroom in groups of 2 or 4. Centers include, but are not limited to HomeLiving, Science, Blocks, Sensory, Writing and Art. Teachers will change out materials in the centers as themes change, giving the students a great mix of choices and different learning tools to expand on the themes. The older students will work in small groups on Emergent Reading and Math Principles. This will help those students who are on the verge of Reading as well as those who need extra help with beginning concepts.
Bible TIme will be a part of the daily schedule, and Chapel will be conducted weekly for all students. Our 2s classes will begin Chapel later in the school year, as they will be working on classroom schedules and school practices a little bit longer than the older students. We will use the Beginners Bible, as well as studying the Fruits of the Spirit. They will learn a new "fruit" each month, along with a new bible verse.
Assessments will take place in each age level, 2 to 3 times in a school year. Teachers will complete assessments at the beginning of the school year to determine where each child's progress is at, and where they finish at the end of the year. VPK classes will be assessed 3 times a year, and report cards will also be completed on each child. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be conducted in January/February to give parents a face to face update of their child's progress. Since teachers will be in constant communication with parents throughout the year, information at these conferences will not be a surprise to parents.
We will begin and end each day with prayer, pray before snacks and lunch, and learn to offer prayer for others during Bible Time. The older students will learn The Lords Prayer as well.